What is No Shave November?

We have all of your beard needs for No Shave November! This movement was created to raise awareness of Men’s Health issues. Let’s get the word out!
No Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow. This movement was created to raise awareness of Men’s Health issues, including a number of diseases and illnesses such as Prostate Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Poor Mental Health, Physical inactivity.
This is your chance to encourage others to try growing their facial hair out with no judgement. If anyone says something, they can just refer to why they are growing. Who knows… maybe it will change their life and bring them a new confidence and community.
Taking care of your beard can lead to so many positive and amazing life changes. Maybe you started drinking more water because it is good for your beard. Well that just so happens to be amazing for your entire body physically and even mentally. Maybe you go in for your yearly physical and bloodwork now. That could allow you to find something early and have enough time to treat it. We as men need to break the stigma that it is manly to avoid the doctor. No, what is manly is taking care of yourself and getting checked so you can be there for your family. No matter how healthy you are and how aware you believe you are with your body, there is always a chance there is something going on that you would not know about unless you got your physical and bloodwork completed.
This is a great month to start and focus on men's health, but let's please keep this going well beyond November.
Now sit back and enjoy that luscious man mane of yours, while you look and smell great!
Dan C
Master of Marketing
Doctor Nick's Amazing Man Stuff